Cape Cod and northern Maine settings for Boundaries

February 4, 2013 – Cape Cod and northern Maine settings for Boundaries

Some years ago I spent an idyllic summer in northern Maine, working in a poverty-law office in a small town, and I spent my free time roaming around the countryside taking photos and visiting some of the places that ultimately became the settings for Boundaries, including a small island off of Cape Cod. Several of the photos I took that summer with my old Canon SLR are on the Home page of this website.

Life in northern Maine and on the island seemed so different from the way of life in a Los Angeles, where I grew up and went to college, and I became enamored with the people of rural Maine and Cape Cod, the relaxed pace of everyday life in those places, and the brilliant colors and light of the landscapes. Those images and memories have stayed with me, and I held them vividly in mind while drafting Parts I and IV of my novel with their Cape Cod and northern Maine settings.

Barrels in the field

Barrels in the field

Northern Maine landscape

Northern Maine landscape

Posted in Book Author