If you’d like to meet local authors from the greater San Jose area and hear about their new books, you might want to attend LocaLit Sunday December 10 from 2 to 5 pm at the King Library in downtown San…
If you’d like to meet local authors from the greater San Jose area and hear about their new books, you might want to attend LocaLit Sunday December 10 from 2 to 5 pm at the King Library in downtown San…
Here is G. Elizabeth Kretchmer’s blog @ gekretchmer.com/uncategorized/christine-z-mason-8-enchanting-kids-books-ages-8-thru-12/ featuring eight of my favorite contemporary and classic children’s books for ages 8 through 12. Christine Z. Mason: 8 Enchanting Kids Books Ages 8 Thru 12 Several years ago, I met Christine through…
Having just published my new literary mystery/legal thriller, Weighing the Truth, author G. Elizabeth Kretchmer asked me to write a guest blog on her literary blog, and I chose the subject of literary or character-driven mysteries. All crime fiction, and most…
Press Banner reviews novels by Christine Z. Mason http://www.goldenstatenewspapers.com/press_banner/eedition/page-b-community/page_794a5536-2b01-5a45-941a-da716fe597ff.html